Notes and Rules for Drop and Go Passenger Loading Zones


Notes and Rules for Drop and Go Passenger Zone

Bellot Street Loading Zone​

  • ​Parents and carers are only permitted to stop for up to two minu​tes if they are dropping off and picking up students. Motorists must stay with their vehicle at all times.
  • If students are not ready to be collected, mot​orists must leave the zone and re-join the queue. To ensure students are ready to be collected, motorists are asked to arrive at least 5 minutes after school has been let out. This zone is supervised for at least 20 minutes after school has been let out.
  • Motorists must listen to any instructions given by loading zone supervisors to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the zone. Motorists who fail to obey instructions from the loading zone supervisor may be reported to Police or Council's Suburban S​afety and Parking Compliance unit.
  • Move forward to “take up the space" in the loading zone.
  • Do Not stop on yellow lines or over driveways.

Church Loading Zone

  • This loading zone is accessed via Newnham Road. Motorists must exit this loading zone onto Bellot Street.
  • Parents and carers are only permitted to stop for up to two minutes if they are dropping off and picking up students. Motorists must stay with their vehicle at all times.
  • If students are not ready to be collected, motorists must leave the zone and re-join the queue. To ensure students are ready to be collected, motorists are asked to arrive at least 10 minutes after school has been let out.
  • Motorists must listen to any instructions given by loading zone supervisors to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the zone.
  • Move forward to “take up the space" in the loading zone.

B Block Loading Zone 

  • This loading zone is accessed via Newnham Road. Motorists must exit this loading zone onto Newnham Road.
  • Parents and carers are only permitted to stop for up to two minutes if they are dropping off and picking up students. Motorists must stay with their vehicle at all times.
  • If students are not ready to be collected, motorists must leave the zone and re-join the queue. To ensure students are ready to be collected, motorists are asked to arrive at least 10 minutes after school has been let out.
  • Motorists must listen to any instructions given by loading zone supervisors to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the zone.​

 ​Map of Drop and Go Passenger Zones


© Brisbane Catholic Education, ​St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (2020​​​)​