St Catherine's People are Positive People
Self respect, Treat everyone with respect & Care for the environment.
St Catherine's School Rules

At St Catherine's, we teach a Social Competence Program, known as the Positive People Program. Each class from Prep to Year 6 is involved in the explicit teaching of targeted Social Skills, the explicit teaching of a Problem Solving Process and a pro-active and positive Behaviour Support System.
1. Teaching Social Skills
The children are explicitly taught targeted social skills. Teachers use a school-wide process for teaching these social skills, adjusting the activities and language used according to the age group and specific needs of the class at the time.
2. Problem Solving Process
The children are taught a specific process fro solving problems they encounter at school. The language used is consistent and they are taught to use these steps through role-play, discussion and example. Children consider body language, tone of voice and feelings. It is emphasised that teachers do not solve children's problems - children are empowered to use appropriate strategies to solve problems themselves (unless health or safety is an issue).
3. Behaviour Support System
An educational approach to discipline is used, where teachers teach children the what and how of a desired behaviour. Each class has a set of resources for teachers to use to implement or program. Pre - Year 3 have Happy Face, Thinking Space, Sad Face and Out Box posters. Years 4 - 6 have Green Zone, Thinking Space, Yellow Zone, and Out Box Posters.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Catherine's Catholic Primary School (2018)